Hello, my name is Diane Whiteley, I have been working as a Psychic Medium for almost 30 years from Beverley near Hull, although I have experienced psychic phenomena since being a young child. Both my parents are in Spirit – Mum died when I was 18 and Dad when I was 34 and I often sense them helping me with my work..
My Psychic and Mediumship gifts have developed naturally over time since my childhood. To help enhance these gifts, I have studied Mediumship at the prestigious Arthur Findlay College and have attended various workshops on many different Psychic and Spiritual subjects, all linked to how best to use my gifts in the greatest possible way in order to help other people.
I’m a Mother and Grandmother and I’ve known many degrees of both sadness and happiness along with many interesting and varying experiences both positive and negative in my life, just like most people. I feel that these experiences have helped to infuse me with empathy and an understanding of what others have experienced in their own lives.
I have always been able to connect with people both mentally and emotionally and hopefully I can use my gifts to help you find your way through any difficult and challenging times which you may be experiencing.
When connecting with your loved ones in the Spirit World (mediumship) I always try to give messages in a caring, compassionate way often using Psychometry which involves sensing personal energy and emotions left on items such as jewellery, photographs or any other items which have sentimental value and a connection to loved ones, this help to strengthen this link with Spirit.
Lately I’ve become interested in developing Physical & Trance Mediumship as another avenue of communicating with Spirit and if these can help me to better understand and empathise with others, then this will be worthwhile.
Some people are wary and some afraid of attempting to connect with past loved ones, but just as they would never harm you in the material world, they will never harm you from their Spiritual existence. There is nothing to fear but fear itself.
Why do Spirit communicate? It’s a bit like when you go on holiday; You want to let your family and friends know that you’ve arrived safely, you send a message - You communicate - your loved ones that have passed have just the same need; to let their family and friends who are left behind know that everything is ok. That they have survived the transition and are Free from Pain. They are not alone. They have met up with other loved ones who have passed before. Also that they can still see us and know what we are doing on earth and still support and guide us; this is the main need. When we die our spirit is released from our physical body and a “Medium” is extra sensitive to and able to connect with this energy, ( it’s a bit like tuning into a radio station) and they pass on what they feel to the people left behind, hopefully bringing peace and reassurance that life does indeed carry on, just in a different form.
I pick up on your energy and can interpret Tarot & Oracle cards, Crystals etc on a Psychic level also using the Pendulum for answering some questions.
I also find that loved ones in Spirit come through just as strongly, as we are using a format they work with extremely well.
We could use any of these:
Payment can be made via Bank Transfer or Paypal
Please contact me for more information using any of the following:
Or simply text or call 07811 500 260
Choice of 3 workshops that are held in your home with like-minded family and friends
Group size min 4 - max 12 people up to 150 mins - £20.00 per person
Workshop 1:
Learn how to meditate… group meditation strengthens psychic energy
Guided Visualisations - help explore your own Psychic Ability (which we all have to some degree)
Use all your senses to connect to Spirit; use these senses to connect to the people around you now especially those you love
Workshop 2:
Tarot Interpretation – Learn the meanings of the Tarot Cards, you can use this knowledge to guide yourself and others in everyday life or when life throws challenges your way.
Workshop 3:
Basic Astrology – understand why you and other people do the things they do; because of where the various planets where on the day they were born
Grounding & Closing down - Learn how to ground yourself. How to close down after psychic work and protect yourself, your home and others from negative energy is included in all workshops
Please note that I cannot change your life, nor can I alter the course that has been laid before you; only you can make changes in your own life. On a Psychic and Spiritual level, you must be open and willing to receive communication, if you have put blocks in place then you may not get the reading you desire. It’s about being open-minded and receptive, it’s about being honest and truthful – if you can do this then you will be more likely to benefit from anything I can help you with towards enlightenment.
Gift vouchers aavailable for readings, healing and workshops, starting from £25.00 an unusual and different gift to give to your loved ones and friends for birthdays and other special occasions. Email, text message or phone for more details and information.
Thank you again so much for what you’ve done today and for the stones. I can’t put into words how warm my heart is feeling knowing we held mum in our hands. I haven’t been able to stop smiling since I left and feel like a weight has been lifted. For the first time since mums passing, I feel like I can start to move forward.
I know mum will be very happy that you brought us together again. You’ve been blessed wonderfully with your gifts and your a lovely lady. So kind and warm hearted. The song that came on the radio whilst driving home was Black Box - Ride on time.
The lyrics, ‘And time won’t take my love away’ I think mum was wanting me to hear. She also liked this song.