Private Readings

I believe a reading should touch your Soul and be a pleasant comforting experience leaving you feeling more positive and able to move forward; helping you make the decisions that are right for your life. Remember, I cannot change your life only you can do this.

A reading can a be a mix of the past, present and future and can be about yourself and also the people who surround you in your life.

When I connect with your loved ones in Spirit I’ll relay this information to you exactly as they are telling me; I cannot command a response, so if nothing is received then this is normal as Spirit cannot interfere with the course laid before you; your free will overrides anything else.

A Private Psychic Reading can consist of any or all of the following:

Psychic Tarot Card Interpretation - connecting with my Spirit Guides to give a unique personal interpretation of the tarot cards.

Mediumship - acting as a Medium or Messenger between the Earthly Plain and Spirit Realm; whilst I will try my best to make a connection with spirit, this is not something I can guarantee will happen, or that it will be the person you are thinking about; Spirit will only come through when they are ready to do so.

Psychometry - sensing energy and emotions infused within personal items i.e. preferably photographs which I work well with but I will use jewellery or other items with sentimental value which have belonged to loved ones now in Spirit.

Angel cards - angels are around helping us in our everyday lives, when you pick an angel card you are drawing the angel into your life that you need most at that moment in time.

Crystals - the power of crystals is infinite and diverse each one is valuable in its own way.

Oracle cards - there are so many different types of oracle cards, but they are all used to give you personal messages and guidance.

Pendulum - pendulums can be made of almost anything i.e. metal, wood or any type of crystal. A pendulum can be used to ask direct questions in a variety of ways and can even be used to ask the sex of an unborn baby.

Astrology - this helps you understand why and how you and people around you act and react in the ways that you and they do.

Aura Reading - everyone has their own personal energy field full of colour which changes as your life or emotions change.

Palmistry - reading the lines on your palm and other aspects of your hand.

Private 1 to 1 Readings

1 – 2 people in my relaxing atmospheric workroom

In depth Private Readings up to approx 40/50 mins £45.00 per person
If you feel that you need more time and your reading lasts over 60 mins then the cost is £50.00 per person

Non-refundable deposit required £5.00 per person contact me for details

Private 1 to 1 readings at your home

I no longer do In-depth readings at your home; however I still do these In-depth readings at my workroom if that’s what you need.

Readings for 6 or more people please see the information about Open Reading Evenings on the Mystic Nights page.

Skype, FaceTime or Phone readings are available for people living out of the Area or Country – for more details on these services please contact me; information is on the contact page.

Concise Readings:

Private Readings in my Workroom
This reading focuses on anything that is uppermost in your mind at the moment, whether that be connecting to a loved one in the Spirit World or looking at more practical matters ie: Relationships, Career, Family, Money etc, and costs £25 per person lasts approx. 20-25 mins.
1-3 people at my workroom

Non-refundable deposit required £5.00 per person contact me for details

Bespoke Readings

Dependent upon your needs, contact me for further information and a chat regarding your reading and cost.